Nyahaha… lol, too much reading I forget to post…
Chapter 57
The First Layer, Again
Part 3
Author: KOUTA
Translator: AYA Translation
Link: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n2782dz/57/
Looking for another hunting spot, Miko and the other walk towards a place when there are some trees growing. However, on their way, they encounter some troublesome monsters. It’s monster named “Gremlin”. This monster which commonly referred as devil race is different from the other monster, in some cases, some of them have magic skill. Their height is about 120 to 150 centimeters with big wings as long as their height. A 30 centimeters long horn grown on their forehead and their nails are 10 centimeters long. Its whole body is covered with green body hair. There are two of them, and when Miko examine them with her appraisal skill, they have “Darkness Magic” and “Fire Magic” skills. Continue reading